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Ice Cream and Dairy Machines

Citranox can be used to manually clean the exterior of ice cream or frozen yogurt machines. If interior cleaning is required, a Citrajet solution can be run through the internal lines.

How To Clean:

  1. For manual cleaning, add 2 cups (460g) of Citranox to 4 gal (15L) of hot water. (For automated cleaning, run a diluted solution of Citrajet through the line.)
  2. Use a scrub pad or brush dipped in the Citranox solution and wash parts.
  3. Rinse thoroughly by running tap water over the cleaned parts.
  4. Dry thoroughly.
  5. Repeat as specified by equipment manufacturer or as scale buildup is noticed.
  6. Do not use on internal parts with automated cleaning systems.

Additional Cleaning Tips:

Use warm to hot water to achieve more effective cleaning results.

Download the Book

This book details how to keep a commercial kitchen clean throughout the day. Each chapter speaks to an activity within a day in the life of operating a commercial kitchen. Learn step by step how to clean a multitude of applications with tough residues such as grease, oils, scale, rust, proteins, and more.

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