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Cleaning Grease from Outdoor Concrete Surfaces Introduction

Maintaining a clean and safe environment is paramount for any restaurant, not just inside the kitchen, but outside as well. One of the most challenging areas to keep pristine is the concrete surface at the back of a restaurant, where grease can build up over time. A well-maintained exterior is crucial for hygiene, safety, and aesthetic reasons. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to effectively clean grease from outdoor concrete surfaces using Alconox Inc.’s superior cleaning products. 

Materials Needed 

Before you start the cleaning process, gather the following materials: 

  • Alconox PFS®: A mild, non-caustic detergent that effectively breaks down stubborn carbon buildup. Stiff-bristled brush: Essential for scrubbing and breaking down grease. 
  • Warm or hot water: Helps in loosening the grease and enhancing the detergent’s effectiveness. 
  • Hose or power washer: For thorough rinsing and removal of all residues. 

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process 

  1. Surface Preparation: Start by rinsing the concrete surface with warm or hot water. This step is crucial as it helps to loosen the grease, making the subsequent cleaning steps more effective. 
  1. Application of Detergent: Use Alconox PFS® for this task. Alconox PFS®: Non-caustic, mild detergent that is safe for metals including aluminum, and effective against stubborn grease and carbon buildup. 

Sprinkle the detergent generously over the greased area. 

  1. Scrubbing: Using a stiff-bristled brush, scrub the detergent into the concrete with water to create a paste. This mechanical action helps to break down the grease and allows the detergent to penetrate deeper into the surface. 
  1. Letting It Sit: Allow the detergent paste to sit on the stained area for about 10 minutes. For particularly stubborn stains, you can let it sit longer, but ensure it remains wet. This contact time is important as it gives the detergent ample time to break down the grease molecules. 
  1. Secondary Scrubbing: After it sits, scrub the area again to further loosen and lift the grease from the surface. 
  1. Rinsing Thoroughly: Rinse the area thoroughly with a hose. For tougher stains, a power washer can be highly effective in removing remaining grease and detergent residues. It’s crucial to rinse away all the detergent to avoid leaving slippery surfaces. 
  1. Repeat if Necessary: For older or more stubborn grease stains, you may need to repeat the process. Regular cleaning will prevent the buildup of grease over time, making each cleaning session more manageable. 

Tips for Effective Cleaning 

  • Regular Maintenance: Establish a regular cleaning schedule to prevent significant grease buildup, making future cleanings easier and quicker. 
  • Optimal Weather Conditions: Consider cleaning after rain. The surface oils will be easier to lift and remove with detergent. 
  • Safety Measures: Use mild alkaline detergents which are less harsh compared to caustic chemicals, ensuring safety for both the surface and the individuals involved in the cleaning process. 


Keeping the outdoor concrete surfaces at the back of your restaurant clean and grease-free is essential for maintaining a safe and hygienic environment. By following these steps and using Alconox Inc.’s effective cleaning products, you can ensure a clean, professional, and safe outdoor area. Regular maintenance and proper cleaning techniques will not only enhance the appearance of your restaurant but also contribute to a safer working environment. 

Additional Resources 

  • Explore Alconox Inc’s foodservice product pages for more information. 
  • Access detailed usage guides for Alconox PFS®. 
  • Contact Alconox Inc.’s customer support for further assistance and inquiries. 
Published: June 24, 2024
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