Cleaning Commercial Kitchen Floors

Q. My floors get so grimy! Customers are starting to complain. When you walk on the tile my shoes stick to the floor. Help! Do you have anything that works on restaurant floors that’s drain safe?
A. Yes, there are several products that we can recommend for floor cleaning depending on what the main grime is. For everyday dirt, try Alconox PFS® or Liquinox® detergent. Both are excellent multi-purpose degreasers. Using a bucket and mop for routine cleaning followed by fresh rinse water will keep the grime from building up.
For whitening, particularly grout, use Alcojet® and where there is raw protein residues on the floor use Tergazyme® detergent.
Here are some basic instructions:
- Add the right amount of detergent to 4 gallons of hot or warm water.
- Using a mop or deck brush, clean floors with the detergent solution until soil is gone. You can let the detergent sit on the floor for 20 minutes to get a deeper clean.
- Scrub any tough spots.
- Rinse by mopping with fresh tap water.