How to Reduce Cleaning Time

Q. What can we do to reduce cleaning time? We want to be as optimal and thorough in our cleaning as possible.
A. At Alconox Inc. we recognize that manual cleaning may take minutes, spray cleaning seconds, and soaking may take hours, possibly overnight, to achieve comparable cleanliness.
Cleaning time can be accelerated by:
- Increasing temperature
- Increasing agitation
- The use of a more aggressive or residue appropriate detergent (is the chemistry ideal?)
If none of these variables can be changed, perhaps because the substrate is too delicate or the proper equipment unavailable, then being prepared for longer cleaning times might be necessary.
There are of course other factors in critical cleaning that can help optimize the cleaning process and reduce the overall amount of time spent. This “lifecycle” approach to cleaning is discussed in BATH-O-CARD.
Optimized cleaning processes are more than just efficient and cost effective, they free up resources, reduce opportunities for operator error, and provide for a simpler, more streamlined cleaning validation. Contact us any time to see how our experts can help!