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Soaking basin
Scrub brush

Detergent Options

Alconox PFS (1%)
For carbon grease
Liquinox (1%)
For light oils

A best practice we’ve seen in the field is pre-soaking cutlery prior to dishwashing. The Alconox PFS and Liquinox solution will keep for two weeks if properly sealed.

How To Presoak:

  1. Dissolve 2 tbsp (30g) of Liquinox detergent per 1 gal (4L) of warm water.
  2. Soak utensils and flatware in appropriate container at drop station.
  3. Remove and set in dishwasher for automated washing.

How To Clean:

  1. Dissolve 2 tbsp (30g) of detergent per 1 gal (4L) of warm water in the sink.
  2. Soaking time will vary depending on soil. Heavier soils will need more soaking time.
  3. Scrub any tough spots before and after soaking.
  4. Rinse three times and dry thoroughly.

Related Kitchen Notes


Soaking basin
Scrub brush

Detergent Options

Alconox PFS (1%)
For carbon grease
Liquinox (1%)
For light oils

Download the Book

This book details how to keep a commercial kitchen clean throughout the day. Each chapter speaks to an activity within a day in the life of operating a commercial kitchen. Learn step by step how to clean a multitude of applications with tough residues such as grease, oils, scale, rust, proteins, and more.

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